From a friend and ex-colleague

Created by Edwin 3 years ago

I first knew John at Westland Helicopters in the early stages of the design of the new ASW helo for the RN. This became Merlin in service. John’s knowledge of ASW was a vital contribution to the conceptual design, and influenced many of the early discussions.  He was a ‘mine’ of knowledge and information.
We went our separate ways after a few years, and I met John again when he started to attend the Methodist Church at Kingsbury Episcopi. Here we became firm friends again and had many conversations about ‘the old days’, as well the current status of the military services. John was a regular at the ‘Sunday Lunch for Singles’ events in the church.
I will miss him greatly, and I am grateful for his friendship.
Safe flight and happy landings, my friend.

Edwin Guttridge